Parenting Seminars


Current Seminars

Registration for Bounce Back and Thrive is now open!

Bounce Back & Thrive!ᴼᴹ (BBT) is a a 10-session evidence-based resiliency skills training programme for parents (and those in a parenting role) with children under the age of eight. It was designed as an adaptation of Reaching IN…Reaching OUTᴼᴹ (RIRO) Resiliency Skills Training Programme for early learning and care staff and service providers.

Research shows that caring and responsive relationships are central to wellness and wellbeing. Foundational to the 10-week skills training programme is the establishment of strength-based relationships between the trainer and parents, and the offering of compassion and connection.  Our training programme offers the connection and support that helps parents to navigate everyday stress and adversity.

You can register for the online programme by clicking here .


We are excited to be offering a new to us program called Circle of Security Parenting!

At times all parents feel lost or without a clue about what our child might need from us. Imagine what it might feel like if you were able to make sense of what your child was really asking from you. The Circle of Security Parenting™ program is based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened.

You can learn more about it by clicking this video link.

This program will be offered online and you can register by clicking here.


Make the Connection 0-1 and 1-2; 7 week programs offered virtually

Psychologists know that the first three years of an infant’s life are the most critical ones for brain development and that is why the Make the Connection (MTC) program has been developed by psychologists and adapted by Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada into a fun and interactive online program for you and your baby. Packed with lots of information and activities to do with your baby, and based on 7 Pillars of attachment, the program focuses on showing hands-on strategies that can help you create and maintain a secure attachment relationship.

You can register for Make the Connection 0-1 by clicking here.

You can register for Make the Connection 1-2 by clicking here.


Click here to be added to the waitlist for a new parenting program for parents of preteens and teens.

For more information about all of our parenting programs, please contact Samantha by emailing

Muskoka Family Focus is grateful to the Ontario Trillium Foundation for providing funding for Bounce Back & Thrive!

Seminars for Parents

  • Whether offered during the day or in the evening,
  • Whether offered with childcare or not,
  • Whether the format is Bounce Back and Thrive, Make the Connection or another of our programs,
  • All workshops have a few things in common and each will provide an opportunity to:
    • Add some strategies to your parenting “toolbox”
    • Share and network with other parents
    • Discuss developmental stages, positive communication and discipline
    • Ask questions, share successes and discuss challenges
    • Learn about other local agencies that provide help and services for specific problems, for example:
      “I think my child may need speech therapy, a hearing test, vision screening, etc”